早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
Write a letter to the architect of a new building (e.g. a supermarket or a train station) to be constructed in your area. Suggest ways to make it more accessible for people with disabilities.(写封信给一个即将在你的社区兴建的新建筑(例如超市货火车站)的建筑师。建议一些方法能使你的社区对残疾人来说更加有用)
Write a letter to the architect of a new building (e.g. a supermarket or a train station) to be constructed in your area. Suggest ways to make it more accessible for people with disabilities.(写封信给一个即将在你的社区兴建的新建筑(例如超市货火车站)的建筑师。建议一些方法能使你的社区对残疾人来说更加有用)
Dear engineers, How's it going?I'm very glad to tell you something about ourcommunity.You see,our community is very big and beautiful.So it needs to be constructed.I know you'll build a super...
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