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随着我国经济水平的迅速发展,人们对于物质的需求越来越丰富. With the rapid development of China's economic level, people demand for material is more and more rich.
低价、高质、多品种成了市场需求的趋势,这种情况下,超级市场的出现应运而生. Low price, high quality, many varieties, has become the trend of the market demand, in this case, the super market arises at the historic moment.
而随着超级市场的出现越来越频繁,在竞争日趋激烈的连锁零售业中,物流配送己成为影响企业核心竞争力的关键要素之一. And with the emergence of supermarkets have become more frequent, in the increasingly fierce competition in the retail chain logistics distribution has become one of the key elements that affect core competitiveness.
而我国连锁超市的物流发展现状在一定程度上制约了我国连锁超市进一步发展. And supermarket chain logistics development in our country supermarket chain in China, to some extent, restricted the further development.
本文以壹加壹连锁超市物流配送面临的问题为核心,论述了连锁超市及物流配送相关概念; In this paper, one plus one supermarket chain logistics distribution problem as the core, the supermarket chain and logistics distribution are discussed related concepts;
论述了某连锁超市的配送现状并分析其问题; Discusses the distribution situation and analyzes the problems of a supermarket chain;
最后优化了某连锁超市物流配送所存在的问题. Finally was optimized by a supermarket chain logistics distribution problems.