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A. Which hotel do you want to live in?
B. Which path would you like to choose?
C. Sure.
D. Will you please fill in this form?
E. it's not expensive
A: Morning! What can I do for you?
B: We'd liketomake a trip for a weekend holiday please.
A: There are many travel paths.        1      
B: We'd like to choose Jinggang mountains.
A: It's really worth visiting.        2      
B: We're not sure. Which hotel do you think is comfortable?
A: The Holiday Hone is very good. What's more important         3      
B: We don't want to live in an expensive hotel. That's what we'll do.
A:        4      ?
B: OK. I'll ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way is it all right if we pay by credit card?
A:        5       . Enjoy your weekend.
B: Thank you.
1-5  BAEDC
作业帮用户 2017-03-26