今天下午Applications Programming的tutor 课上,老师在我背后看了一眼我的代码后,叹了一口气然后走开了.
1.In the morning in the street,a shopping assistant promote coupon of her restaurant,the meal which include burger and coffee only $4.So,I went to that restaurant.But in the end I spent $12 for a Salmon Benedict instead of $4 meal,fortunately the taste was good;
2.In the afternoon in the tutorial class of 'Applications Programming',after standing behind and reading my code,my teacher gave me a sign without say anything and leave away to help other students;
3.In the night in the library,I did not why there were so many fun video on the facebook,this made me can't stop laughing even I had already tried my best to control it,this made the other student near me not happy very much.
"cost" only $4
gave me a "sigh"
"left" away
didn't "know" why there were so many fun "videos"
"other students"
po主你这么喜欢用the吗, 基本所有的the都是不用加的 还有注意到你各种用逗号啊,写作的时候最好注意一点
中国著名的机械工程专家,教育家,中科院院士杨叔子曾经说过,一个国家没有先进的科技,一打就垮;一个国 2020-04-07 …
《家》阅读答案①每个人都有一个家,家代表了和平与温暖.②年轻的时候,家的感觉就像一杯开水,平淡无味 2020-04-26 …
询问一句古代格言大致意思是:不要因为人家一次失误就说人家很行,也不要因为人家一次成功就说人家很厉害 2020-05-02 …
(1/2)三个人住宿,一间房三十,而他们每人只有十块钱,他们就开了一间房子住着,店家看那三人可怜就 2020-05-16 …
()的家,一定是在(),要不然,()?还有,(),它的家一定是在(),要不然,()?帮忙造个句子. 2020-05-16 …
英语作文题目是,我的家,一百字左右 2020-05-16 …
最近不是有那个cf一折活动吗 我已经有那个1折购买资格了、但是不知道买那个、我已经有把大炮了、比较 2020-05-17 …
宠物店到贝贝家1.2千米从宠物店出发,贝贝没分钟走75米,狗每分钟跑300米,狗一出发就向家跑去, 2020-05-23 …
阅读下面的文字,完成5-7题。我们所说的文化并不等于已经铸就的、一成不变的“文化的陈述”, 2020-05-25 …
俄国作家果戈里总是天刚亮就起床,稍稍活动一下,就开始一天的工作。一次,一个朋友问他:“您天天都俄国 2020-06-11 …