早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
I will go to a restaurant tomorrow.
(1)改为否定句 (2)改为一般疑问句 (3)对画线部分提问 (I) ( to a restaurant ) (go to a restaurant ) ( tomorrow)
(1)改为否定句 (2)改为一般疑问句 (3)对画线部分提问 (I) ( to a restaurant ) (go to a restaurant ) ( tomorrow)
否定句:I will not go to a restaurant tomorrow.
一般疑问句:Will you go to a restaurant tomorrow?
对to a restaurant提问:Where will you go tomorrow?
对go to a restaurant提问:What will you do tomorrow?
对tomorrow提问:When will you go to a restaurant
一般疑问句:Will you go to a restaurant tomorrow?
对to a restaurant提问:Where will you go tomorrow?
对go to a restaurant提问:What will you do tomorrow?
对tomorrow提问:When will you go to a restaurant
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