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写一篇关于 中国大学教育存在的问题已经解决方法的 英语作文
University education generally has four big problems.
Strengthen professional education brings some disadvantages, in recent years more and more prominent, at present in China University education exists the following problems:
One, too professional education, injury part of students' initiative in learning. Professional training and education, make the students entered the school is limited in some fields of study. And in the college entrance examination, many students received professional swap, also has many students to professional choice is also very blind. Entering the university after it was found that they may not like it, or do not fit in the professional learning, but also have to brave it. The transfer of professional opportunities, usually to the student with outstanding achievement, the general are not good performance of poor students is not a choice.
Two, professional education is also easy to neglect the training of students' ability. Professional knowledge constantly updated, development, students need to master the contents are more and more, the teacher wants to teach you something more. In this case, the student will be confined in a professional field, the teacher teaches tired, students learn it hard. Therefore, it is necessary to alter the curing of the professional training mode, focus on training students to become sufficient knowledge width, excellent learning ability and innovative practice ability, flexibility and ability to adapt to the social development in the future.
Three, exam-oriented education so that students' learning motivation are not worth badly. Long-term since, examination-oriented education makes students be trained with regularity as a" test machine" in the classroom, students are accustomed to passive acceptance, and think that the teacher 's lecture is correct, now there are few students in the classroom the teacher lectures objections have been raised or the quality of debate, this kind of education denied the students innovation spirit, and through repeated practice get temporary memory, for human culture did not play a real role.
In four, lack of humanistic spirit in university. Now the society more generally heavy, light humanities knowledge, light, heavy mental, heavy material, thoughts, and now the social market economy, brought about by the utilitarian thought in young people are ingrained, which makes the humanistic spirit, moral standards by the considerable shock. And highly specialized models focus on professional knowledge seriously, they often ignore the ethical and humanistic value of comprehensive quality cultivation. In addition to the lack of humanistic spirit, some of our students lack of the sense of social responsibility and sense of mission.
In short, now education problems in simple, professional education mode can't already meet the needs of social development, the education reform will be vividly portrayed. General education gradually into the Chinese University campus, the goal is to seek the return of humanistic spirit, the cultivation of students' sense of social responsibility and sense of mission, so that students in knowledge, gather intelligence, access to mental upgrade, so that they should not only have the spirit of innovation, critical thinking and a master of interdisciplinary knowledge, at the same time, also should have love, sense of responsibility, high ethical standards, and people live in harmony, win-win sound personality.
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