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求一篇关于college education in China的英语作文
college education in China 只是个大的标题,范围比较大,要把范围缩小2次再写,只写一个方面
Higher education is secondary education after the implementation of the various specialized education. In our country, including full-time higher education higher education and adult higher education two types, the latter belongs to the category of adult education. Chinese higher education is divided into junior college students, undergraduate students, graduate students, doctoral students of 4 levels, awarded the corresponding bachelor, master, doctor's degree. Chinese higher education is divided into text, science, engineering, agriculture, forest, medicine, finance, politics and law, normal, sport, art and other subjects.
Since 1978, through continuous reform and adjust, adapt to economic and social development of a variety of levels, a variety of forms, including almost all subjects in China's higher education system has been initially formed. Ordinary higher schools from 1978598to19991071. With the development of higher education and the reform of the management system, higher education has made great progress, the benefit to rise apparently. Talent cultivation level structure incline to is reasonable, set up professional structure is optimized ceaselessly, community to transport a large number of the senior specialized personnel. In recent years, the University Science and technology industry, many aspects of the development of Higher School school-run enterprise is rising rapidly, with high technical content products have to enter the international market. The national focus on promoting the "211 Project " of the plan carry out, namely the successful 100key university and a number of key disciplines, professional, and strive in the early twenty-first Century, there is a group of colleges and universities and disciplines, professional quality in education, scientific research and management level, the efficiency is greatly improved, reaching the world level. At present, the "211 Project" first phase project is nearing completion. After 5 years of efforts, in the relevant departments to discuss and review the basis, has a nationwide selected universities in arranged nearly600 key disciplines of project construction. These disciplines covering politics, economy, humanities and social science, resources and environment, basic industries, high technology, medical and health fields. The requirements of the Ministry of education of the project's two phase of construction in the next 5 years. During this period, the school will continue to increase input and support. To 2005, strive to some key academic level to achieve national advanced level, for the construction of a number of world class university foundation. In 2010 and, for some universities to enter into or near the world first-class university level.
Before 1949, China senior specialized talents mainly dependent on foreign, domestic graduate education scale is very small, only a few higher school to recruit a limited number of graduate students were awarded a master's degree, more than 200 people, not a ph.d.. After 1978, China 's education, science of comprehensive development, graduate education has entered a new period of vigorous development. In 1978, the national graduate students apply for a total of 63000 people, through the strict examination, enrolling10000 people. In 1998 awarded PhD 8957, awarded a master's degree in 38051. In 2000the national graduate recruitment planning simulation by about 120000, increase than last year 30%, which the national plan for part of the increase in20%. This is in recent years postgraduate enrollment scale the biggest increase in time. Gradually establish a complete basic disciplines, cultivation quality can be guaranteed in the graduate education and degree awarding system, initially formed a Chinese graduate education and degree system, promote the high-level specialized personnel training and development, promote higher schools and scientific research institutions of scientific research and discipline construction, for the establishment of Chinese independent the integrity of the higher education system has contributed to.