早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
听下面一段材料,回答第1至4题. | |
1. Where did the woman celebrate the last New Year? | [ ] |
A. In Bridport, a small town in East England. B. In a pub (酒吧) in London. C. In Bridport, a small town in West England. | |
2. How did the man like his last year's celebration? | [ ] |
A. He enjoyed it very much. B. He thought it was too crowded to get a drink in the pub. C. He enjoyed the drink brought by himself. | |
3. What did people do when the clock struck twelve in Bridport last year? | [ ] |
A. They drank, danced and sang. B. They set off fireworks. C. They wore fancy dress costumes (服装) and drank. | |
4. What is the woman's favorite part of every New Year? | [ ] |
A. The kissing that people give her. B. The fireworks and the high spirit of the people. C. The drinks, music and fireworks. |
1-4:CBBA |
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