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下面的柱状图 (bar chart) 显示了不同年龄段孩子与父母谈心的情况。

Time spent in talking with parents
根据上图信息,请以“Heart-to-Heart Talks with Parents”为题,用英语写一篇90词左右的短文。要求如下:
2.说明原因,如:忙于学习或工作、由于代沟 (generation gap) 而缺少共同话题……;
注意:文章的标题和开头已给出 (不计入总词数)。
Heart-to-Heart Talks with Parents
As is shown in the bar chart,                                                  

Heart-to-Heart Talks with Parents
As is shown in the bar chart, children spend less time having heart-to-heart talks with their parents when they grow older. For example, while the 7-9 age group spends as many as 6 hours per week on average, the 16-18 age group spends only half the time.
There are two major reasons for this: both parents and children are too busy working or studying, and there aren’t many topics of common interest for them to talk about.
In my opinion, children should let their parents know more about what they are interested in. At the same time, parents should spend more time talking with their children and sharing opinions with them. Only in this way can they better understand each other

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