早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


(一)Believe in your self and you will win
英语提示:fail in the exams ,encourage ,give up ,make up my mind ,make great progress ,make it
(二)Maybe the day will come(说明人类肆意破坏环境会得到什么样的后果)
英语提示:be harmful to ,dirty ,not enough ,become fashion goods need to pay for
(大多数同学认为:1.不应该进网吧 2.进网吧浪费钱,晚上进网吧上网到深夜,影响第二天的学习 3.有些网站的内容对青少年有害
少数同学认为:1.可以上网但不能通宵上网 2.获取的信息可以帮助同学 3.提高使用电脑的技能)
Dear editor,
Recently our school has held a discussion about whether it is proper for middle school students to go to the Intenet cafe.
(四)以Eat,have fun and learn in Chaozhou!为题写一篇介绍潮州的导游信
As a middle school student, reading English articles is very important. But how do we read them?
Firstly, we must find suitable articles to read. They mustn't be too difficult or easy.
Secondly, while we are reading ,we can take some notes of important things.
Thirdly, we can choose interesting books to read
In all reading is helpgul to us .