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标题:Four seasons of a tree
There was a man who had four sons.He wanted to teach them a lesson so he sent each of them to observe a particular pear tree.The first son went in winte,r the second in the spring,the third in summer,and the youngest son in the fall.When they had all come back,he asked them to describe the tree.
"The tree had no leaves.It was ugly," said the first son.
"No,it was covered with green buds," said the second son.
The third son disagreed,and said,"It was in blossom and looked so beautiful."
"You are all wrong," the last son said."it was full of fruit."
"Well,you're all right,but you cannot judge a tree,or a person,by only one season," their father said."If you give up when it is winter,you will miss the promise of your spring,the beauty of your summer,the fulfillment of your fall.So don't let the pain of one season destroy the joy of all the rest."

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