早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享





1.How many times does the man go shopping in a month?

A.Twice a week.

B.eight times.


2.What’s wrong with Jack?

A.He has a cold.

B.He has a stomachache.

C.He has a sore back.

3.How does Mary go to school?

A.By car.

B.On foot.

C.By bike.

4.Can Li Lei come to Cindy’s party?

A.Yes he can.

B.No he can’t.

C.We don’t know.

5.Who is quieter Tom or his brother?


B.His brother.

C.They are both quiet.

6.What are they talking about?

A.Making milk shake.

B.Making fruit salad.

C.Making sandwiches.

7.Where did Jim go on the day off?

A.He went to beaches.

B.He went to the mountains.

C.He went to the aquarium.

8.When was Michael Jordan born?

A.In 1963.

B.In 1980.

C.In 1973.

9.What’s Li Lei’s sister going to be?

A.A computer programmer.

B.A pilot.

C.An engineer.

10.What’s the best movie theater?

A.Town Cinema.

B.Screen City.

C.Movie Palace.


Dialogue 1:

11.Where does the woman go?

A.To the hotel.

B.To the hospital.

C.To the station.

12.Where is the station?

A.At the end of the road.

B.In the middle of the road.

C.Near the factory.

13.How far away is the station?

A.Three kilometers.

B.Two kilometers.

C.Ten kilometers.

Dialogue 2:

14.What are they getting ready for?


B.Children's Day.

C.Women's Day.

15.Where will they hold the party?

A.In the office.

B.In the library.

C.In the classroom.

16.Who will the students have the party with?

A.Their parents.

B.Their teachers.

C.Their friends.

Dialogue 3

17.What day is it today?




18.Where was Judy yesterday?

A.At home.

B.At school.

C.In the hospital.

19.What did Li Lei have for his breakfast?




20.What time does the first lesson begin?

A.At 7∶40

B.At 7∶45

C.At 7∶50


21.What is Mike’s job in New York City?

A.A postman.

B.A waiter.

C.A journalist.

22.How did Mike go to San Francisco?

A.By plane

B.By train.

C.On foot.

23.What did Mike really want to see?

A.The scenery of Italy.

B.The scenery of Canada.

C.The scenery of the USA.

24.When did the train leave New York City?

A.At 10∶30 pm on Monday.

B.At 11∶20 pm on Friday.

C.At 9∶30 am on Sunday.

25.Why didn’t Mike sleep that night?

A.Because he was angry.

B.Because he had many things to do.

C.Because he was excited.




  1.W:How often do you go shopping Tom?

  M:Twice a week.

  2.W:What’s the matter with you Jack?

  M:There’s something wrong with my stomach.

  3.W:How do you go to school Mike?

  M:By bus.What about you Mary?

  W:I ride my bike to school.

  4.W:Li Lei can you come to by birthday party on Saturday evening?

  M:I have to baby sit my sister at home because my parents aren’t at home then.

  5.W:Tom who is more outgoing you or your bother?

  M:My brother is much more outgoing than me.

  6.M:How do we make fruit salad Mom?

  W:First peel some fruit and cut them up.

  7.W:Jim how was your day off?

  M:Fantastic.I went hiking in the mountains.

  8.W:Do you know Michael Jordan?

  M:Yes he’s a great football player born in 1963.

  9.W:What are you going to be in the future Li Lei?

  M:A pilot but my sister wants to be an engineer.

  10.W:Which cinema do you like best?

  M:Screen City.I think it’s better than any other cinema in the town.


Dialogue 1.

  W:Excuse sir.

  M:Yes?What can I do for you?

  W:Could you tell me the way to the station?

  M:Yes.Go down this road.Turn left at the second traffic light.At the end of the street you'll find it.

  W:Is it far from here?

  M:Yes it's about two kilometers away.

  W:How long will it take me to walk there?

  M:About half an hour.

  W:Oh that's too long.Is there a bus?

  M:Yes.The No.45 bus will take you there.

  W:Thanks a lot.

  M:You are welcome.

Dialogue 2.

  W:Tomorrow is Teachers' Day.

  M:Yes I know.And we are getting ready for it.

  W:What are you going to do?

  M:We are going to have a party together with our teachers.

  W:When and where?

  M:Tomorrow afternoon in our classroom.

  W:What time?

  M:At two o'clock.

  W:Did you tell all your teachers to come?

  M:Yes and they'll be here on time.

Dialogue 3

  M:Hi Judy.I didn’t see you yesterday.Where were you?

  W:Yesterday?Oh it was Thursday.I was ill at home.I had something bad for breakfast.

  M:Really?Yesterday morning I had bread for breakfast.

  W:Let’s go to the classroom Li Lei.It’s 7∶40 now.The first lesson will begin in 5 minutes.


  Mike is from Canada.How he works as a waiter in New York City.Every August he has one week off for summer holiday.Last summer he decided to take a trip to San Francisco in the United States.He didn’t want to go by plane.He really wanted to see more scenery of the United States so he decided to take the train from New York City to San Francisco.

  The train left he station in New York City at 10∶30 pm on Monday.Mike tried to sleep that night but he couldn’t because he was too excited.He expected to see the scenery the next day.He thought his trip would be wonderful.