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假如你是高中生李华,请根据以下要点,以日记的形式,叙述你在5月15日(周六)参加在乡下草莓采摘节(Strawberry-picking Festival)的活动情况.
Saturday,May15                                               Sunny
Today,a sunny day,Li Ming and I went to thecountryside by bus to attend the Strawberry-picking Festival,which started at8 o"clock in the morning(高分句型一).
When the organizer announced the rules of thefestival,we were led into the strawberry garden by beautiful girls in red,group by group.While walking along the country road,we saw the beautifulflowers and heard the birds singing(高分句型二).The air was much fresher and cleaner thanthat in the city we are living in.During the festival,we enjoyed sweetstrawberries,watched some exciting performances and learned many stories aboutthe town and its kind people.At about five in the afternoon,we had to saygoodbye to the garden and went back home.Both Li Ming and I enjoyed ourselvesand hoped to visit the again soon.
What an unforgettable day!

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