早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


win dream be soccer like animal sick subject good interest
Children have the most dreams of all people.Their dreams can be from_________ to bedtime stories.Animals play a big part in children’s ________.If a child’s dog is ____________,he or she might dream about the dog.Bedtime stories can also have an effect(影响)on children’s dreams.If a child’s bedtime story is about ____________,he or she might dream about _____________a soccer player.
Usually children can do things ____________when they have good dreams.But children’s good dreams are different,because they have different____________.For example,if a child ___________playing games very much,he or she might have a good dream after he or she __________a game in the daytime.
Children can dream about a lot of __________,and their dreams are usually very interesting.When you were a child,did you often dream?
animas ,dream,sick,soccer,be,good,interest,likes,wins,subjects

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