早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
把以下句子变为一般疑问句 和否定句:1.I have abasketball.2.She has two ping---pong dots.3.We have a volleyball.4.The cat has two big eyes.5.jack and Tony have Some ping—pong.6.It has four legs.7.My friends watch TV evert doy.9.He likes applas.
1.I have a basketball.
I have not a basketball.
Do you have a basketball?
2.She has two ping---pong dots.
She doesn't have two ping---pong dots.
Does she have two ping---pong dots?
3.We have a volleyball.
We haven't a volleyball.
Do you have a volleyball?
4.The cat has two big eyes.
The cat doesn't have two big eyes.
Does the cat have two big eyes?
5.Jack and Tony have some ping—pong.
Jack and Tony don't have some ping—pong.
Do Jack and Tony have some ping—pong?
6.It has four legs.
It doesn't have four legs.
Does It have four legs?
7.My friends watch TV every day.
My friends don't watch TV everty day.
Do your friends watch TV every day?
9.He likes apples.
He doesn't like apples.
Does he like apples?
I have not a basketball.
Do you have a basketball?
2.She has two ping---pong dots.
She doesn't have two ping---pong dots.
Does she have two ping---pong dots?
3.We have a volleyball.
We haven't a volleyball.
Do you have a volleyball?
4.The cat has two big eyes.
The cat doesn't have two big eyes.
Does the cat have two big eyes?
5.Jack and Tony have some ping—pong.
Jack and Tony don't have some ping—pong.
Do Jack and Tony have some ping—pong?
6.It has four legs.
It doesn't have four legs.
Does It have four legs?
7.My friends watch TV every day.
My friends don't watch TV everty day.
Do your friends watch TV every day?
9.He likes apples.
He doesn't like apples.
Does he like apples?
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