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英语短文翻译Sam:What's the matter?Why are you laughing? Lingling:We're going to have a baseball team. Sam:So why is that funny?Why are you wearing cups on your heads? Linglng:Amy said,"Bring cups for the baseball game".So I brough these cups. Sam:I don't understand. Amy:I didn't say "cups".I said "caps".I wanted you bring the baseball caps. Lingling:So now we are going to play baseball like this. Sam:It's easy to make mistakes with English.I make lots of mistakes with Chinese.And look what I've got in my bag. All:What? Sam:The baseball caps! All:Great! 不要免费在线翻译的哦``````(谢谢合作)
Sam:怎么了?你为什么笑? Lingling:我们要有一个棒球队了。 Sam:那有什么好笑的吗?你为什么把杯子戴在头上? Lingling:Amy说:“戴着杯子参加棒球队”所以我戴着杯子。 Sam:我不明白。 Amy:我不是说杯子。我是说帽子。 Lingling:所以现在我们应该这样去打棒球。 Sam:在英语中很容易出现这样的错误。我说汉语的时候出了很多错。看我在包里放了什么。 All:什么? Sam:棒球帽! All:太好了!