早教吧作业答案频道 -->其他-->
In professional baseball team, a batting average hit rate is 0.25, that is every 4 chance to hit, he can play
In 1, with this achievement, he can enter a good team as a second team. Any average hit rate of more than 0.3 players, is a big big star.
At the end of each season, the average score of only eleven to two to 0.3. In addition to enjoy the highest courtesy in baseball, they will get millions of dollars in wages, large companies will use the money to hire them to advertise.
But please think about a problem between a great hitter with second tier players difference is only 1/20. Each of the 20 hit chance, second team shot 5 times, while the star team shot 6 times, only one goal difference!
Life is a baseball game, from "good" to "the best" is only a short step.
In professional baseball team, a batting average hit rate is 0.25, that is every 4 chance to hit, he can play
In 1, with this achievement, he can enter a good team as a second team. Any average hit rate of more than 0.3 players, is a big big star.
At the end of each season, the average score of only eleven to two to 0.3. In addition to enjoy the highest courtesy in baseball, they will get millions of dollars in wages, large companies will use the money to hire them to advertise.
But please think about a problem between a great hitter with second tier players difference is only 1/20. Each of the 20 hit chance, second team shot 5 times, while the star team shot 6 times, only one goal difference!
Life is a baseball game, from "good" to "the best" is only a short step.
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