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make with everything like other light

little it photo interesting 

  Skin diving (轻装潜水) is a new sport today. Many people show interest in this sport. Some go under water to see beautiful scenes (景色) .1       go down into deep (深的) water to take pictures of swimming fish. It is not very dark under water and there are a lot of big or 2        fish living there. Some of them use the sand (沙子) to 3        their homes. If you are under water you will find you are just in a fish village (村庄) .

  There is no wind under water. 4       is blue or green. During the day there is much 5       . Sometimes people do not have to use a flash (闪光灯) to take 6        under water.

  This sport takes you into a wonderful new world. When you are under water 7       is easy for you to carry a big stone (石头) .It is 8       a trip to the moon!Catching fish is an 9        part of this sport. When fish swim next to you you can catch them 10        your hands.

1.       2.        3.        4.        5.        

6.       7.       8.        9.        10.       


1. Others   2. little   3. make   4. Everything   5. light

6. photos   7. it   8. like   9. interesting   10. with


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