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英文作文“my unforgettable holiday”150字
以初一学生角度 今年的
Everybody loves holidays because during our holidays we can relax and have fun. We get enough time to travel, play our favorite sports and practice our hobbies. Below I will tell you about my last holiday.
I had always dreamed about going to Hawaii. It was the evening of Janurary 1st, 2011 when my husband called me from his work and told me that we are going to Hawaii for one week in our holidays next month. I couldn’t believe my ears what I just heard. I asked him again if he is not making it up, but he said he already purchased tickets online and made plans. That day we departed Maryland and headed towards our first destination, The Big Island of Hawaii. As soon as we reached there after a long journey, I was stunned by the beautiful scenic views that I only saw in pictures. I was totally lost in the scenic views that I forgot to blink my eyes. We stayed in the 5-star hotel in front of the beach. Next day we hired a helicopter for a trip to see volcano. It was simply amazing. We stayed in The Big Island for 4 days, and then we went to the island of Maui for 4 days. We did so many activities which included Jet Ski, Scuba diving, Parasailing etc. We also watched the sunrise of Kalekala’s summit, it was very romantic. At last one of the best things we did in Hawaii was to drive on the Hana Highway. It was the most amazing and spectacular experience of my life that I was stunned by God’s creation of a heaven-like place on earth. This highway has 600-plus turns, 50 one-lane bridges and breathtaking views that alternate between mountain streams and soaring sea cliffs, the Hana Highway is less a roadway than an event in itself. Our journey ended on 18th of May. On our way back we traveled by plane again. During the trip I thought, ‘Those days were amazing and unforgettable, I wished if I had more days to spend over there’.
My holiday was exciting and full of joy. I enjoyed it immensely. I am looking forward to going there again soon.

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