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“It was amazing just impressive ” Holly Budge a 29-year-old British woman said after making a safe landing at a spot 12 350 feet (3 765 meters) above sea level ― the highest “drop zone” achieved by a parachutist (跳伞者). “We had one minute of freefall and while we were above the clouds you could see Everest and the other high mountains popping out of the top ” she said.

Ms Budge and her two fellow daredevils Wendy Smith from New Zealand and Neil Jones from Canada jumped out of an aircraft at about 29 500 feet just higher than the peak of the world’s highest mountain. They fell at speeds reaching 140mph past the highest ridges of the snow-covering Himalayas before each released a parachute (降落伞). The jumpers wore oxygen masks to keep their lungs working as they fell. Wearing neoprene underwear(内衣) was compulsory ― to prevent them from being frozen to death.

The adventure advertised by its organizers as “a feast for those who seek to stimulate all their senses to the full” appeared to have lived up to its billing. “I had never seen so many mountains before ” Ms Smith said. “To be on top of the world was simply stunning(令人晕倒的).”

The expedition also offered a way by which to celebrate her 30th birthday later this month she said. Besides her jump raised funds for charities in Britain and Nepal including more than £10 000 for the Hampshire Autistic Society.

In the next few days the feat will be repeated by about 30 others weather permitting. Each has paid at least £12 675 to High and Wild the British adventure travel company behind the project. Ms Budge said: “It was worth the money. It is something that has never been done before.”


48. The three skydivers jumped out of the plane at an altitude of about _____.

A. 3765 meters        B. 8993 meters        C. 12 350 meters      D. 29 500 meters

49. It can be known from the passage that _____.

A. High and Wild is a new British adventure travel company

B. the aircraft took the jumpers to a height higher than the Himalayas

C. Ms Budge used to be an extreme sports enthusiast.

D. the three skydivers succeeded in landing at the top of the highest mountain.

50. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? ___________

A. The successful diving is a good way to celebrate Ms Budge’s 31st birthday.

B. This skydiving has set a new national record.

C. Ms Budge has managed to contribute all her money to charities.

D. As a wonderful experience this skydiving is recommended to other people.

51. Which of the following must the skydivers make sure of according to the passage?

A. Taking a record book               B. Donating some money

C. Having suitable weather            D. wearing normal underwear

48. B第二段里有她jumped out of an aircraft at about 29 500feet,而把英尺换成米在第一段里已经给出12 350 feet (3 765 meters)。49. B 推理判断题。文章说他们从比喜马拉雅山还高的地方从飞机上跳下来,由此判断B项正确。50. D 推理判断题。最后一段的最后一句她实际上就是在向人们推荐这个项目。51.C推理判断。从文章的相关介绍可知,C是他们创造这次降落记录必须具备的条件。