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There are many forms of fighting bare-fisted ( 赤手空拳的 ).Both wrestling and boxing were probably started in ancient Greece and Rome although modern boxing is believed to have started in England

    Other fighting skills were developed for defense against stronger enemies. One story goes that long ago some people of South India practiced a form of fighting that required more skill than strength. They made use of strength and the careless movements of the enemies to defeat them . In this way an expert with nothing in hand could easily defeat several enemies with spears in hand.

    It is said that this kind of fighting skill was first introduced to Shaolin Temple in Henan Province in China. After studying and copying the fighting movements of certain animals these people in the temple made great improvement on the Indians’ skill. In each country some changes were made. As a result there are now lots of different fighting skills and techniques like the Chinese Taiji Quan the Japanese Judo ( 柔道 )and many others.

     Today the system of fighting bare—fisted in Asia has spread out over the world. Fortunately only a few people like members of the police force and the army use this skill to fight their enemies when necessary. Most of these skills are now sports and people do them just for fun.

    1. Someone thought that wrestling and boxing were probably started in ancient       .

    A. China and India

    B. Greece and England

    C. Rome and Greece

    D. England and China

2. The people of South India practiced a form of fighting that needed       .

    A. either skill or strength

    B. neither strength nor skill

    C. more skill than strength

    D. no strength or skill

3. The people of Shaolin Temple improved on the Indian way of fighting by      .

    A. learning from the Japanese judo

    B. copying the fighting movements of some animals

    C. adding the Chinese Taiji Quan

    D. practicing fighting with one another

4. Nowadays most of the people learn the skills of fighting bare-fisted to    .

    A. build up physical strength and enjoy themselves

    B. fight with others

    C. defend against stronger enemies

    D. make fun of others


1题第一段第二句话告知了答案。 2题由第二段第二句话可知答案。 3题由第三段第二句话可知答案。 4题由最后一段可推知答案。