早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
People who like the sport of wrestling can breathe a sigh of relief -- at least for now. Wrestling has passed the first test to get back on the schedule for the 2020 Olympic Games.
Wrestling was allowed to reapply, along with squash, sport climbing, karate, the Chinese martial art of wushu, roller sports, wakeboarding, and a combined application from baseball and softball.
Representatives from all eight sports made a presentation to a committee in St. Petersburg, Russia about why their sport should be included in the 2020 Olympic Games. The committee voted by secret ballot and decided that wrestling, squash, and baseball/softball would advance to the next level.
The International Olympic Committee will decide in September in Buenos Aires, Argentina which one of those three sports will remain in the Games.
Here in the United States, many people watch track and field only every four years when the Olympics come around. It's almost like a lull that these sports have prior to the Olympics. Wrestling gets much of its exposure at the Olympics.
People who like the sport of wrestling can breathe a sigh of relief -- at least for now. Wrestling has passed the first test to get back on the schedule for the 2020 Olympic Games.
Wrestling was allowed to reapply, along with squash, sport climbing, karate, the Chinese martial art of wushu, roller sports, wakeboarding, and a combined application from baseball and softball.
Representatives from all eight sports made a presentation to a committee in St. Petersburg, Russia about why their sport should be included in the 2020 Olympic Games. The committee voted by secret ballot and decided that wrestling, squash, and baseball/softball would advance to the next level.
The International Olympic Committee will decide in September in Buenos Aires, Argentina which one of those three sports will remain in the Games.
Here in the United States, many people watch track and field only every four years when the Olympics come around. It's almost like a lull that these sports have prior to the Olympics. Wrestling gets much of its exposure at the Olympics.
It's almost like a lull that these sports have prior to the Olympics.
sport climbing,karate,the Chinese martial art of wushu,roller sports,wakeboarding
而这3种已经 advance to the next level:
wrestling,squash,a combined application from baseball and softball
sport climbing,karate,the Chinese martial art of wushu,roller sports,wakeboarding
而这3种已经 advance to the next level:
wrestling,squash,a combined application from baseball and softball
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