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Fixed-point shooting
Fixed-point shooting sports photography is a frequently used method of filming.
The so-called fixed-point shot is the camera's aperture and shutter speed,according to site conditions and the use of light sensitivity,a combination of pre-rational,then the focus of the lens to be taken to the point of shooting opportunities.
The advantages of fixed-point shooting to capture the moment action is accurate,prompt and timely manner,make the photos big and clear and reflect the appropriate action to the climax.It is mainly used to show changes in tactics,competition scene,the mental outlook of the athletes.Therefore,shooting those who are more familiar with the pre-,line,movement away from relatively fixed very effective.Accurate as long as the action choice,the focus on the actual,shooting just right,it will certainly be able to make great photos.
The use of fixed-point method of shooting sports photos,the shutter speed generally in the 1 / 250 seconds or more (including 1 / 250 seconds),while on the air somersault diving and gymnastics moves such as jumping somersault spin moves fast,then use 1 / more than 500 seconds.
The use of fixed-point shooting method,we must focus attention to accurate,it is necessary to take full advantage of composition space,as far as possible,as large knot so as to highlight the main.
Regional Focus Shooting
Fixed-point shooting sports photography is a frequently used method of filming.
The so-called fixed-point shot is the camera's aperture and shutter speed,according to site conditions and the use of light sensitivity,a combination of pre-rational,then the focus of the lens to be taken to the point of shooting opportunities.
The advantages of fixed-point shooting to capture the moment action is accurate,prompt and timely manner,make the photos big and clear and reflect the appropriate action to the climax.It is mainly used to show changes in tactics,competition scene,the mental outlook of the athletes.Therefore,shooting those who are more familiar with the pre-,line,movement away from relatively fixed very effective.Accurate as long as the action choice,the focus on the actual,shooting just right,it will certainly be able to make great photos.
The use of fixed-point method of shooting sports photos,the shutter speed generally in the 1 / 250 seconds or more (including 1 / 250 seconds),while on the air somersault diving and gymnastics moves such as jumping somersault spin moves fast,then use 1 / more than 500 seconds.
The use of fixed-point shooting method,we must focus attention to accurate,it is necessary to take full advantage of composition space,as far as possible,as large knot so as to highlight the main.
Regional Focus Shooting
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