早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Before going to bed, Geng Li spends at least 40 minutes finishing the following routine:
1. Check the schoolbag and get things ready for the next day's study, 5 minutes
2. Memorize the new words learned in the daytime, 10 minutes;
3. Make the bed for sleeping, 2 minutes;
4. Wash face and brush teeth, 3 minutes;
5. Heat the water for washing feet, 5 minutes;
6. Wash feet, 5 minutes;
7. Watch the sports news: 10 minutes.
1. Check the schoolbag and get things ready for the next day's study, 5 minutes
2. Memorize the new words learned in the daytime, 10 minutes;
3. Make the bed for sleeping, 2 minutes;
4. Wash face and brush teeth, 3 minutes;
5. Heat the water for washing feet, 5 minutes;
6. Wash feet, 5 minutes;
7. Watch the sports news: 10 minutes.
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