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帮我写一篇英语作文 ?急啊!!
以“A visit to Hainan Island ”为题目写一篇英语作文,内容为——去年夏天和家人去海南岛渡假;那里气候宜人,风景美丽,我们在那里冲浪,在海滩上散步。(请把你的所见所闻提出来。)
A Visit to HAINAN Island Last winter , I want to Hannan Island ,which lies in the very south of CHINA's land . My first feeling for the visit is that Hannan is beautiful . Hannan has two biggest cities --Haikou which is the capital and Sanya The most people there are Li nation .The most popular fruist are bananas ,Iychee ,mongo , and coconut palm is a unique plant . There are not many tall trees and buildings , tourism is flourishing . The transport in Hainan ins't as that in other provinces , it only has one road from the north to the south . It is not all the year there ,So there isn't winter in Hainan .I couldn't understand their languages except when they spoke "Potong hua". Fruits were cheaper ,but food was were expensive .Because it is a new province ,it is developing . But it has its natural beauty ---the people and the scenery ,I like living there .

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英语作文:今年五一假期,你打算和你父母一起乘飞机去青岛度假.你们要在那里待3天.在那里英语作文:“  2020-06-30 …

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英语翻译我去了青岛with我的父母.那里有清新的空气、一望无垠的大海等等好多济南无法实现的东西.去  2020-07-15 …

阅读下面一篇小小说,回答问题。青岛啊,青岛刘兆亮青岛是一个很美丽的城市。我那时认为它恰如其分的美丽  2020-07-20 …

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英语作文我去青岛游玩,第一天我想去游泳,但是青岛却下起了雨,所以,我只能就近找一个旅馆度过了我无聊的  2021-01-02 …