早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
my travel pian 写三亚
my travel plan
San Ya is a city in the south of Hannan island.I am planning to travel there during my summer holiday.It is not hot in San Ya in the summer,and there are many kinds of fruits.I will book a hotel online,so that I may have a comfortable place to stay when I arrive there.In the first day,I will make my way to the beach,then I am going to swim and play beach volleyball.Then in the second day,I will try surfing,surfing has alway been one of my dreams.I am so excited that my dream may come true in the upcoming trip.I am also going to spend a another day shopping and enjoying the seafood there.What a nice plan!I am looking forward to the trip.
San Ya is a city in the south of Hannan island.I am planning to travel there during my summer holiday.It is not hot in San Ya in the summer,and there are many kinds of fruits.I will book a hotel online,so that I may have a comfortable place to stay when I arrive there.In the first day,I will make my way to the beach,then I am going to swim and play beach volleyball.Then in the second day,I will try surfing,surfing has alway been one of my dreams.I am so excited that my dream may come true in the upcoming trip.I am also going to spend a another day shopping and enjoying the seafood there.What a nice plan!I am looking forward to the trip.
日本是亚洲经济最发达的国家.2015年中国游客赴日人数大涨至490万人次,旅游市场规模达154亿元 2020-04-07 …
2011年2月中旬,利比亚国内局势由游行示威发展为武装冲突,严重危及我国在利人员安全。2月24日开 2020-07-11 …
下列左图是植物细胞亚显微结构模式图,右图是植物叶肉细胞中光合作用和呼吸作用的物质变化示意简图,其中 2020-07-19 …
读“澳大利亚示意图”,完成下列各题:(1)在图中相应位置标出横穿澳大利亚中部重要纬线的名称.(2)写 2020-11-21 …
材料一:2011年2月15日,利比亚数个城市爆发大规模游行示威,要求执政42年的利比亚领导卡扎菲下台 2020-11-23 …
筛选下列材料中的要点,为“桌游”下定义,含标点不超过40字。①“桌游”也译作桌面游戏,简称BG,来源 2020-11-23 …
如图所示图1、图2是细胞的亚显微结构图.图3是图1中①的结构示意图,A、B、C、D、E、F表示某些物 2020-12-06 …
2010年亚运会期间,在广州亚运城开辟游行示威区,经过批准让游行示威人员,有秩序地集会、表达自己的意 2020-12-15 …
家住福州的小名同学计划寒假到澳大利亚旅游,读图澳大利亚示意图,回答22-23题.澳大利亚此时的季节是 2020-12-25 …
下列图1、图2是细胞的亚显微结构图.图3是图1中①的结构示意图,A、B、C、D、E、F表示某些物质, 2021-01-05 …