早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
1.How do you like internet surfing?
2.What do you like the future development of internet?
3.How doer internet change your life?
1.How do you like internet surfing?
2.What do you like the future development of internet?
3.How doer internet change your life?
1.How do you like internet surfing?
There is absolutely no doubt that internet has great influence on people's everyday life nowadays. Many are relying on it for making a living (very good livings), some others are using it for studies and looking for important information, which they would otherwise have to spend much longer time if searching for them through books and other means of paper documentries. So, indeed the internet has given modern people huge help and convenience.
As for myself, I think that I am belonging to the latter more, since I don't use the internet to make money. Of course to begin with, I wasn't quite so keen with the ideas, mainly because I wasn't well learnt enough to fully exploit the benefits, which it offers.
Now, I really like it and it has become a very important part of my life. I spend hours and hours of my time sitting in front of my computer screen doing this and that using of the internet. I play games (just like now) with it, finding information with it, shopping with it and even invest with it. I just can't do without it anymore. When I lost the broadband connection a couple of days ago, I was down right panicking and it seemed that I was back to 19th century, really feeling helpless and hopeless!
2.What do you like the future development of internet?
Since the internet has become so important to everyone of us, its future development is of course the very concerned topic for most of us. We already admire at how wonderful this modern idea has improved our everyday life. How many things we can do with it, and even doing things without leaving our houses, such as internet shoppings. Things you order through the internet. They will be delivered to your door steps as soon as the next day! What can be more wonderful than that? Would we have thought about this can be possible not so long ago? I am afraid not.
Would we like the internet to be even more useful, more powerful, offers us more possibilities, even more convenient and even more easy to use in the future? Of course yes, the more useful and powerful the better!
But isn't it convenient and useful enough already now? What else can it be improved? Does anyone has some good suggestions on how internet can be enhenced further. I don't, since I am not a computer expert and I don't think that I have any fresh ideas to make internet even better. But it doesn't mean that no one can. There are many genius in this world. I am sure they will never stop making internet more and more functionable. Time will tell, we will be sure to find it even more unbelievable in the very near future. Just mark my words!
There is absolutely no doubt that internet has great influence on people's everyday life nowadays. Many are relying on it for making a living (very good livings), some others are using it for studies and looking for important information, which they would otherwise have to spend much longer time if searching for them through books and other means of paper documentries. So, indeed the internet has given modern people huge help and convenience.
As for myself, I think that I am belonging to the latter more, since I don't use the internet to make money. Of course to begin with, I wasn't quite so keen with the ideas, mainly because I wasn't well learnt enough to fully exploit the benefits, which it offers.
Now, I really like it and it has become a very important part of my life. I spend hours and hours of my time sitting in front of my computer screen doing this and that using of the internet. I play games (just like now) with it, finding information with it, shopping with it and even invest with it. I just can't do without it anymore. When I lost the broadband connection a couple of days ago, I was down right panicking and it seemed that I was back to 19th century, really feeling helpless and hopeless!
2.What do you like the future development of internet?
Since the internet has become so important to everyone of us, its future development is of course the very concerned topic for most of us. We already admire at how wonderful this modern idea has improved our everyday life. How many things we can do with it, and even doing things without leaving our houses, such as internet shoppings. Things you order through the internet. They will be delivered to your door steps as soon as the next day! What can be more wonderful than that? Would we have thought about this can be possible not so long ago? I am afraid not.
Would we like the internet to be even more useful, more powerful, offers us more possibilities, even more convenient and even more easy to use in the future? Of course yes, the more useful and powerful the better!
But isn't it convenient and useful enough already now? What else can it be improved? Does anyone has some good suggestions on how internet can be enhenced further. I don't, since I am not a computer expert and I don't think that I have any fresh ideas to make internet even better. But it doesn't mean that no one can. There are many genius in this world. I am sure they will never stop making internet more and more functionable. Time will tell, we will be sure to find it even more unbelievable in the very near future. Just mark my words!
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