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英语语法求解1.Jump up and down to keep warm.祈使句吗? 2.She's just been to the shop.主系表是? 3.Please keep the watch (for me.)是做宾补还是定语? 4.This is the key (to would peace.)宾补吗? 5.He kicked the football( out of the field.)宾补还是状语? 6.I was only (kiding.)为什么用ing? 7.He killed ten good years (on that job.)充当什么成分?状语?什么状语? 8.The largest brain possessed by any dinosaur weighed about kilogram.主谓宾状是? 9.They are very kind (to me.)在句子中充当什么成分? 10.She had never learned to fly a kite.这句用了什么时态? 11.She was on her knees weeding the garden.这句会不会是错句啊?在the 前面会不会差个介词? 12.(Put your knife and fork down on the plate)祈使句吗? (if you're finished eating.)条件状语从句吗? 13.There is one or two things I'd like to know about.定语从句吗?是否在I 面前省略了(that)? 14.This watch was a gift (from my mother.)是做宾补吗? 15.The boy has a gift (for music.)什么状语?还是定语? 16.Exercise is good( for health.)目的状语吗?
1是祈使句 2不是主系表 是be的现在完成时 has been to 3不是宾补也不是定语 是状语 目的状语 4不是宾补 是定语 5.是宾补 凡和宾语有主谓主表关系的 可视为宾补 6.现在进行时 7.状语 方式状语 8brain是主语 weighed 是谓语 没有宾语 the largest是定语 possessed by any dinosaur是后置定语 about 是副词 大约 后面应是具体的重量 作状语 注意 不是宾语 9是状语 10时态错误 应用现在完成时 不应该用过去完成时 该句是过去完成时 11weed是及物动词 原句正确 在花园除草 12对 不过是if you've 不是if you're 13对 14不是宾补 是定语 15是定语 16.对