早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


A+B:Hello,good afternoon every one!A:I’m ××× of  Fourth grade section 5.  Call me Nana for short.B:I’m XXX of  Fourth grade section X.You can call me XXX .A :We are really happy and excided to able to join this activity today.B:And now let’s welcome Group Number 1 with their song Donna Donna .A:Team number 2 please be prepared.%%%%%%%%%%A:Wooh!What a great song!A:Here comes Group Number 2 singing Oh!Susanna.A:Team number 3 please be prepared.%%%%%%%%%%% B:They are so awesome!B:Let’s hear a song from Group Number 3 singing Donna Donna.B:Team number 4 please be prepared.%%%%%%%%%%%A:What a great performance!A:Everyone here comes Group Number 4 with their song Blowing in the Wind.A:Team number 5 please be prepared.%%%%%%%%%%%B:Let’s give them a big round of applause!B:Oh!Susanna from Group Number 5.B:Team number 6 please be prepared.%%%%%%%%%%%A:Wow!They’re unbelievable!A:Let’s hear a song from Group Number 6 singing A Friend For Life A:Team number 7 please be prepared.%%%%%%%%%%%B:They’re really good performers!B:Let’s welcome Group Number 7 with their song Cotton Fields.B:Team number 8 please be prepared.%%%%%%%%%%%A:Wooh!What a great song!A:Let’s hear a song from Group Number 8 singing Venus.A:Team number 9 please be prepared.%%%%%%%%%%%B:Wow!They’re unbelievable!B:Here comes Group Number 9 singing All I Have To Do Is DreamB:Team number 10 please be prepared.%%%%%%%%%%%A:They are so awesome!A:Everyone here comes Group Number 10 with their song Beautiful Sunday.A:Team number 11 please be prepared.%%%%%%%%%%%B:Wooh!What a great song!B:Here comes Group Number 11 singing Oh!Susanna.B:Team number 12 please be prepared.%%%%%%%%%%%A:What a great performance!A:A Friend For Life from Group Number 12.A:Team number 13 please be prepared.%%%%%%%%%%%B:They’re really good performers!B:The last group, Group Number 13 with their song  Venus  Oh!Susanna.A:Let’s give them a big round of applause!B:Now we have finish our competition.Let us clap our hands.A:  Yup,and a million thanks to them for giving us these wonderful songs.Well I believe ,the judges are now really worried who to choose for  the winner!A+B:Thank you everyboday!Bye – Bye!
A :我们很高兴能参加此次的活动.
B:现在让我们欢迎第一组带来他们的歌曲Donna Donna .
B:他们表现的好极了!B:现在让我们来听听第三组的歌曲Donna Donna.B:第四组请准备.%%%%%%%%%%%
A:多精彩的表演啊!A:现在有请第四组带来他们的歌曲Blowing in the Wind.A:第五组请准备.%%%%%%%%%%%
B:让我们为他们热烈的鼓掌!B:第五组带来Oh!Susanna .B:第六组请准备.%%%%%%%%%%%A:哇,他们唱的太好了,真是难以置信!A:让我们聆听第六组带来的演唱曲目A Friend For Life A:第七组准备!.%%%%%%%%%%%
B:他们表演的很好啊!B:让我们欢迎第七组为我们带来Cotton Fields.
A:多好听的歌啊!A:让我们欢迎第8组的演唱曲目singing Venus.A:第九组请准备.%%%%%%%%%%%
B:哇,他们唱的难以置信的好!B:现在有请第九组带来All I Have To Do Is Dream
B :第十组准备.%%%%%%%%%%%
A:他们表演得太精湛了!A:现在有请第十组带来他们的歌曲Beautiful Sunday.
A:表现的太好了!A:第12组将会带来A Friend For Life,有请.A:第十三组请准备.%%%%%%%%%%%
B:他们简直就是表演艺术家!B:最后一组,第十三组,将为我们带来Venus Oh!Susanna.A:让我们给予他们热烈的掌声!