早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


9.Why is Tom so excited?___
A.He’s going to visit his parents.
B.He’s going to have a party.
C.He’s going for a trip with his family.
10.How long are they going to stay in Beijing?___
A.About a week.   B.Four days.   C.Two weeks.
11.When are they going to leave?___
A.On July 6.   B.On June 6.   C.On May 6.
9.C  10.A  11.A
W:Tom,you look so excited.Any good news?
M:Yeah.My parents will take me to Beijing by plane.
W:That sounds great.How long are you going to stay there?
M:Well,we are going to stay there for about seven days.
W:I see.So when are you going to leave?Next week?
M:Yes.We’re going to leave on July 6,next Monday.
W:Oh,have a good time.See you.
M:Thanks,see you.
9.Why is Tom so e xcited?
10.How long are they going to stay in Beijing?
11.When are they going to leave?