早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
9. Displacement according to mold splitting is no more than 1 mm.
10. Feeding devices’ remains are acceptable no more than 2,5 mm.
11.Casting material according to the mold splitting no more than 1mm is acceptable.
12. Rough edges on core connections and going off the casting is acceptable no more than 1mm.
13. On nonworkpiece surfaces of casting blowholes and other defects are acceptaple up to 3mm, depth up to 2mm in amount up to 4 units on the surface if they don’t go to edges. On the inner surface blowholes are not acceptable.
14. On the workpiece surfaces different casting defects are acceptable up to 2/3 of the machining allowance.
15. On the finished surfaces blowholes, gas fines are not acceptable.
16. On thread surfaces blowholes which don’t go to the edge of the thread and destroy the thread no more than 2 lines are acceptable.
17. Not painting in hard-to-reach inner surfaces up to 8 cm2 max is acceptable.
18. Spray coating of the casting is grey base coating V6 130C-C1.
19.Surfaces identified by the signs ……( see the signs on the scheme under point № 19) are base ones, should be free and smooth in casting.
20. Out of base surfaces ф 105 size of 35 valley up to 8 mm in depth up to 3 mm up to 3 units and local сuts each area up to 1cm2 and in height up to 3 mm.
21. Places of the trepanning to the microstructure.
9. Displacement according to mold splitting is no more than 1 mm.
10. Feeding devices’ remains are acceptable no more than 2,5 mm.
11.Casting material according to the mold splitting no more than 1mm is acceptable.
12. Rough edges on core connections and going off the casting is acceptable no more than 1mm.
13. On nonworkpiece surfaces of casting blowholes and other defects are acceptaple up to 3mm, depth up to 2mm in amount up to 4 units on the surface if they don’t go to edges. On the inner surface blowholes are not acceptable.
14. On the workpiece surfaces different casting defects are acceptable up to 2/3 of the machining allowance.
15. On the finished surfaces blowholes, gas fines are not acceptable.
16. On thread surfaces blowholes which don’t go to the edge of the thread and destroy the thread no more than 2 lines are acceptable.
17. Not painting in hard-to-reach inner surfaces up to 8 cm2 max is acceptable.
18. Spray coating of the casting is grey base coating V6 130C-C1.
19.Surfaces identified by the signs ……( see the signs on the scheme under point № 19) are base ones, should be free and smooth in casting.
20. Out of base surfaces ф 105 size of 35 valley up to 8 mm in depth up to 3 mm up to 3 units and local сuts each area up to 1cm2 and in height up to 3 mm.
21. Places of the trepanning to the microstructure.
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