早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
例如Mr.Wang said:"you are a good boy."
Mr.Wang said I was a good boy.
例如Mr.Wang said:"you are a good boy."
Mr.Wang said I was a good boy.
Mum said:"get out of the house."
mum told me to get out of the house.
Grandpa said:"come shopping with me."
grandpa invited me to go shopping with him.
Micheal said:"i'll be at your house soon."
micheal said he will be at my house soon.
Casey said:"i love him alot."
Casey told me she loves him.
Grandma said:"i don't feel good today."
grandma said she doesn't feel good today.
Jack said:"do you want to go to the movies?"
Jack asked me if i wanted to go to the movies.
the shop assistant said:"would you like a bag for it?"
the shop assistant asked if i wanted a bag for it.
the weatherman said:"it will be rainning this afternoon."
the weatherman said it will be rainning this afternoon.
my friend said:"there's a discount on today."
my friend told me there's a discount on today.
Mr.Johnson said:"we are going for a swim."
Mr.Johnson said we are going for a swim.
mum told me to get out of the house.
Grandpa said:"come shopping with me."
grandpa invited me to go shopping with him.
Micheal said:"i'll be at your house soon."
micheal said he will be at my house soon.
Casey said:"i love him alot."
Casey told me she loves him.
Grandma said:"i don't feel good today."
grandma said she doesn't feel good today.
Jack said:"do you want to go to the movies?"
Jack asked me if i wanted to go to the movies.
the shop assistant said:"would you like a bag for it?"
the shop assistant asked if i wanted a bag for it.
the weatherman said:"it will be rainning this afternoon."
the weatherman said it will be rainning this afternoon.
my friend said:"there's a discount on today."
my friend told me there's a discount on today.
Mr.Johnson said:"we are going for a swim."
Mr.Johnson said we are going for a swim.
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