早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Lemer harassed 92 UCLA (加利福尼亚的洛杉矶分校) students by having experimenters ask subjects to count backward on camera by 13s starting with an odd number like 6,233,telling it was an intelligence test and then telling them they weren’t counting fast enough and to speed it up as they went along.Wrong answers meant subjects had to start all over again.Another test involved counting backwards by sevens from 9 ,095.
The researchers also recorded people’s blood pressure,pulse and secretion(分泌) of a high-stress hormone (激素),whlch can be measured in the saliva (唾液) and collected wih a cotton swab (棉签儿) .The people whose faces showed more fear during the experience had higher blood pressure and higher levels of the hormone.The findings were the same for men and women.
Lemer harassed 92 UCLA (加利福尼亚的洛杉矶分校) students by having experimenters ask subjects to count backward on camera by 13s starting with an odd number like 6,233,telling it was an intelligence test and then telling them they weren’t counting fast enough and to speed it up as they went along.Wrong answers meant subjects had to start all over again.Another test involved counting backwards by sevens from 9 ,095.
The researchers also recorded people’s blood pressure,pulse and secretion(分泌) of a high-stress hormone (激素),whlch can be measured in the saliva (唾液) and collected wih a cotton swab (棉签儿) .The people whose faces showed more fear during the experience had higher blood pressure and higher levels of the hormone.The findings were the same for men and women.
Lemer 用他的实验困扰了92名加利福尼亚洛杉矶分校的学生,他让实验人员叫被试者对着摄像机从一个就像6233一样古怪的数开始倒数数字,倒数间隔为13,并告诉他们这是一个智力测试,然后再告诉他们他们的数的太慢要一边数数...
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