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() 16. Tony is a high school student from.

   A. America   B. Australia

   C. Canada

() 17. Tony and his parents have been in China forweeks.

   A. two   B. three

   C. four

() 18. They saw lots of fantastic things in.

   A. Xi’an and Beijing

   B. Hangzhou and Beijing

   C. Xi’an and Hangzhou

() 19. Tony decides to learn hard.

   A. Art   B. Chinese

   C. science

() 20. Tony is going back to his country with his parents .

   A. now   B. today

   C. tomorrow



16-20 BACBC


Tony is a high school student. He comes from Australia. Now he is spending his holiday with his parents in China. Tony and his parents have been here for two weeks. They are interested in China a lot. They have got some information about China before coming here. They have made a wonderful trip plan. Last Friday his parents took him to visit Xi’an and Hangzhou. They saw many fantastic things in the two cities. This week they have tried some Chinese food. Their favorite dish is Beijing Duck. They think it is delicious. Tony feels Chinese culture is very interesting. He decides to learn Chinese hard so that he can understand more about Chinese culture.

Tomorrow Tony is going to his country with his parents. He wishes to have a chance to come here again.


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