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阅读下面短文掌握其大意然后从1 ̄20各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。Supposeyouarereadingabook.Supposetooyousuddenly1youreyes.Canyou2seethebo


阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从1 ̄20各题所给的四个选项中 选出一   个最佳答案。

    Suppose you are reading a book. Suppose too you suddenly 1 your   eyes. Can you 2 see the book? "Of course not " you will say. But can   you tell why? You would probably say "When I close my eyes my   eyesight cannot 3 my eyes to get to the book." But this explanation is   4 .

    You cannot see any object 5 light from that object gets into your   eyes. Some of the things you see give off light of their own. The sun    the stars a lighted lamp are examples that can be seen 6 their own   light. Such things are luminous (发光的). Most of the 7 you see are   not giving off light of their own. They are 8 reflecting (反射的)   light that falls on them from the sun or some other luminous body. The   moon for example does not give off any light of 9 own. It is   non-luminous. You see it because sunlight falls on it and some of it   reflects 10 your direction. So moon light is 11 second-hand sunlight.

    When you 12 a book it sends to your eyes some of the light which   falls on it and you see the book. If light 13 out from where you are   so that there 14 no light for the book 15 then you could not see the   book even with your eyes wide open.

    Light travels so fast that the time 16 it travels from the book   you are reading to your eyes is so short 17 there were no 18 at all.   Light 19 us from the moon which is about 380 000 kilometers away 20    only a little more than a second.

    (1)A. shut to      B. open      C. close      D. close to           [  ]   (2)A. yet        B. even      C. already      D. still            [  ]    (3)A. get out      B. get into      C. get through to   D. get out of           [  ]   (4)A. misunderstand  B. no fact      C. mistake      D. wrong            [  ]   (5)A. when       B. if      C. unless       D. as               [  ]     (6)A. at         B. by      C. in         D. of               [  ]     (7)A. things       B. object      C. body       D. matter             [  ]   (8)A. simply       B. difficultly      C. differently    D. probably           [  ]   (9)A. it         B. its      C. it's       D. his              [  ]     (10)A. in         B. at      C. on         D. with             [  ]    (11)A. simple       B. only      C. certain      D. like             [  ]    (12)A. see        B. look      C. look at      D. watch            [  ]    (13)A. could be kept  B. could keep      C. will be kept   D. will keep          [  ]    (14)A. would      B. would be      C. will be      D. should be          [  ]    (15)A. to reflect     B. reflect      C. reflecting     D. reflected          [  ]    (16)A. on which     B. which      C. in which     D. in that            [  ]    (17)A. as         B. like      C. if         D. as if            [  ]    (18)A. distance     B. time      C. place      D. room             [  ]       (19)A. reaches at     B. reaches to      C. reaches      D. gets through to        [  ]    (20)A. as         B. during      C. on         D. in               [  ]


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