早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


4、It's better to drink more water ___ a hot day.
A.in B.on C.at
7、It's very cold in winter in the northern part of China because there's lots of ___.
A.snow B.snows C.snowy
14、It's too dark!I ___and see nothing in the sky.
A.look at B.look up C.look after
18、The box is too heavy.I can't ___it.
Let me help you!
A.carry B.take C bring
19、Can you ____these to the teacher's office?
Of course.
A.carry B.take C.bring
20、I'm sorry I forget to ___my homework.
Do it next time.
A.carry B.take C.bring
23、Be careful and you will avoid ___a mistake!
Thank you for your advice.
A.make B.to make C.making
24、What a pity!The film is ___.
We should be earlier.
A.over B.end C.finish
4.B on a hot day day是用介词on
7.A snow 这里的 snow不可数
14.B look up look up 有往上看的意思,look at只是看着
18.A carry 有搬运的意思,take没有,文中提到东西很重,应该需要搬运
19.B take 把东西带到别的地方,就用take
20.C bring 把东西带来现在的地方,用bring
23.C making avoid 要接 动名词
24.A over 只有over是形容词,其他是动词,除非是用ended,finished