早教吧作业答案频道 -->英语-->
Hi John.
You also have a very good weekend.
It is nice that you decide that you want to come to UK .Let me know when you will come and i will help you to settle here.
John are you really .you look a lot younger than that in your photo's.
This is a picture of me and my Dad in Texas .April 2006.
Take Care
Hi John.
You also have a very good weekend.
It is nice that you decide that you want to come to UK .Let me know when you will come and i will help you to settle here.
John are you really .you look a lot younger than that in your photo's.
This is a picture of me and my Dad in Texas .April 2006.
Take Care
Dear xxx,
I feel so happy when you said that I look a lot younger in the photo.Thank you.Yes,you are 100% right.That is me.I feel more than happy when you said that you will help me settle in UK.I don't know how to thank you enough.As for when I want to settle in UK,I think the sooner the better.Right now I don't know what kind of visa I am supposed to apply:a visa for a tourist or a visa for a foreign student?could you kindly advise me?
You look so beautiful in the photo with your dad.And your dad looks great,too.
How is everything with you?still busy as a bee?Please take good care of yourself.
I can't wait for your next letter.
Love as always,
I feel so happy when you said that I look a lot younger in the photo.Thank you.Yes,you are 100% right.That is me.I feel more than happy when you said that you will help me settle in UK.I don't know how to thank you enough.As for when I want to settle in UK,I think the sooner the better.Right now I don't know what kind of visa I am supposed to apply:a visa for a tourist or a visa for a foreign student?could you kindly advise me?
You look so beautiful in the photo with your dad.And your dad looks great,too.
How is everything with you?still busy as a bee?Please take good care of yourself.
I can't wait for your next letter.
Love as always,
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