早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


A boy was sitting by the window,waiting for his father to come home and play with him.When his father finally opened the door,the boy ran to(21)___him. The father was tired. He (22)___his coat and shoes and walked into the living room.
"Daddy!Come and(23)___!"The boy held his arm and pulled.
"Daddy is too(24)___to play",the father said.
This seemed like the most(25)___thing anyone could say. He then took a(26)___from the table. But the boy would not(27)___. He stood there,asking his father to play with him,(28)___his father tried to read.
To make the boy stop his request,the father(29)___a page from the magazine. There was a map of a country on that page.He tore it into small bits and gave(30)___to his son.
"Here,put this puzzle back together. I'll play with you(31)___you've finished".
The map was so big and detailed that it would(32)___hours for a little boy to get it back together again.
After(33)___seemed like a minute the father felt the familiar pulling in his(34)___.The little boy was holding the page,the pieces carefully taped together.
"How did you (35)___to do that so fast?"
"There was a picture of Santa Claus on the other 8ide",the boy pointed."I(36)___the puzzle pieces around.I did the Santa Clau8 puzzle(37)___and when I turned the page,the map was there too"!
We are often stuck in our(38)___ways of thinking when we could really use some 6-year-old chinking.So the next time you are(39)___with a dilemma,twist the idea in your(40)___and you might suddenly have a new idea you could use successfully!
21.A. meet B.trouble C.invite D. tell
22.A. put away B.took off C.left out D. gave over
23.A. seat B.enjoy C.relax D. play
24.A. busy B.sleepy C.tired D. happy
25.A. available B.careful C.useful D. miserable
26.A. book B.paper C.map D. magazine
27.A. insist on B.take on C.make up D. give in
28.A. since B.while C.because D. though
29.A. tore B.folded C.drew D. opened
30.A. it B.that C.those D. this
31.A. before B.after C.unless D. until
32.A.take B.8pend C.last D. waste
33.A.which B.when C.that D. what
34.A.leg B.ear C.eye D. arm
35.A.arrange B.intend C.manage D. bother
36.A.changed B.looked C.raised D. turned
37.A.besides B.instead C.otherwise D. thus
38.A.creative B.different C.traditional D. popular
39.A.faced B.met C.trapped D. joined
40.A.means B.mind C.words D. way.
21-25 A B D C A       26-30 D D B A C       31-35 B A D D C      36-40 D B C A B21.A 动词辨析.根据第一句话"小...