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Sometimes giving someone a helping hand is just simple.But sometimes it works like a(36)___ that opens a door to a whole new world of understanding.
Living in a small all-white (37)___  in the Midwest,my family and I were (38)___that we were safe from the race riots (暴乱) in some larger cities.That (39)___when I began working at a bank in a larger city nearby.My family(40)___gave me advice on whom to avoid,what situation to stay away,and how to (41)___myself.

On a snowy(42)___after work,I guided my second-hand car out onto the street and knew(43)___ I didn't have to stop,it would keep running.The battery needed replacing.However,as I expected the car choked and died at a red light.Fortunately,to my(44)___,I saw a pair of headlights coming up.But(45)___ three young black men jumped out of the car,I could hardly(46)___-fear filled me.
The driver came to my windows and asked if I needed help.I (47)___for a moment and then nodded.The fellows crowded around at once and(48)
___ working.As one of them connected the two engines by cables,my nerve (神经) jumped with so much electricity I think I could have charged the(49)___and brought it back to life.But thankfully they(50)___completed the project.
I pulled out a few(51)___ from the purse,"It's all I have but it's yours,I appreciate the help.Thank you."
The driver must have seen the (52)___ still in my eyes because he smiled,seeming to be(53)___by my panic,and then waved his hand,"You(54)___it.Just glad to help."
This experience taught me that I should never simply  (55)___anyone according to their skin color or race or wealth.

36.A.push B.key C.car D.handle
37.A.house B.dry C.country D.company
38.A.grateful B.curious C.upset D.hopeful
39.A.crashed B.improved C.settled D.changed
40.A.cautiously B.approximately C.nervously D.fluently
41.A.distinguish B.defend C.behave D.express
42.A.morning B.noon C.afternoon D.evening
43.A.even if B.in case C.as long as D.now that
44.A.relief B.regret C.content D.belief
45.A.because B.if C.although D.when
46.A.breathe B.speak C.drive D.survive
47.A.calculated B.choked C.hesitated D.screamed
48.A.set about B.set down C.set aside D.set up
49.A.engine B.battery C.headlight D.cable
50.A.slowly B.briefly C.gradually D.quickly
51.A.dollars B.tickets C.cards D.pictures
52.A.interest B.confuse C.fear D.shock
53.A.amused B.frightened C.thrilled D.disappointed
54.A.make B.keep C.spend D.earn
55.A.judge B.trust C.attack D.dislike
36.C 37.A 38.B 39.A 40.D 41.A 42.D 43.D 44.C 45.A 46.B 47.B 48.C 49.A 50.B 51.D 52.D 53.C 54.C 55.B 36.C考查动词词义辨析,一个星期天,我带七岁的女儿去海边吃午饭.故选C.
37.A 考查形容词词义辨析,call the man___ the sick child and tell him that I'll__ all expenses for his sick daughter's treatment可知.故选A.wealthy有钱的
38.B 根据上下文,当女儿玩的时候,我和朋友聊天,故选B
39.A考查动词词义辨析 我和朋友聊天的时候,一个陌生人跑过来打断我们的谈话.故选A
40.D 考查名词词义辨析 根据上文.一个陌生人跑过来打断我们的谈话,礼貌的征求许可,故选D,permission许可.
42.D考查生活常识 当我外出,在街上时,
43.D 细节理解题 由后文和语境可知,此人想私下与我交谈,所以我们离开桌子,走远了一点
44.C 考查动词辨析 孩子病重,如果去外地治疗就能活下来.
45.A考查名词词义辨析 说起重病的孩子,这个父亲泪如泉涌.
46.B考查名词词义辨析 根据上文,作者与陌生男子交谈后,回到座位,应该是神情凝重
47.B考查短语 作者之后一直想着这个父亲,考虑如何帮他
48.C根据上文 可知作者想为他制作一期节目为他筹钱,故选raise.
49.A考查动词词义辨析 句意:作者下了节目后,故选A,present提出; 出现
50.B考查形容词词义辨析 作者下了节目后,他的朋友来找他,他倍感惊讶,因为朋友是个大忙人,故选B.
51.D 考查介词词义辨析 朋友来找那个患病孩子的父亲,所以用with
52.D考查动词词义辨析 他愿意支付这个孩子看病的所有费用
53.C根据上下文 他愿意支付这个孩子看病的所有费用,手里拿的应该是支票,
55.B 考查短语辨析,pick up 拿起,作者拿起电话拨通患病孩子父亲的号码.故选B.