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英语演讲润色 就这么点分了· 还没写完~前面缺了点中文 不过无视就好
I've said in Chinese,'Hello,I'm shaojie.I faced many challenges,but the biggest one i ever faced is learning English.
36 months ago,i arrived at Auckland from Quzhou in China.After I arrived new zealandmi found here is a completely different place.Instead of magnificent buildings,new zealand have farms and small houses.the street is always quite only few people are walking on the street.In school people talk to each other in a language I can't understand.I can't talk to people,can't understand what people say.I was facing one of the biggest challenge I ever faced.I can't communicate with people.
There were alot difficulty caused by the language problem,i still can remember the first day at school,i want go to the toilet but don't know where is it and don't know how to say 'toilet' in english,i want buy something for lunch but i don't know name of foods.Because i can't understand what the teacher said,my mark dropped from87.5 to less than 35.After the first test mark came out,i realised the importance of English also feels oblige to learn English.
I've said in Chinese,' Hello,I’m shaojie.I faced many challenges,but the biggest one I ever faced is learning English.
36 months ago,I arrived at Auckland from Quzhou in China.After arriving in New Zealand,I found here is a completely different place.Instead of magnificent buildings,there are many farms and small houses in New Zealand .The streets are always uncrowded because there are few people walking on them.In schools,people talk to each other in a language that I can't understand.So I’m not able to talk to anyone there,I can't understand what people say as well.I was facing one of the biggest challenges I ever faced.I can't communicate with people.
There were a lot difficulties caused by the language problem,I still can remember the first day at school,I want go to the toilet but don't know where it is and don't know how to say 'toilet' in English,I want buy something for lunch but I don't know name of the foods.Because I can't understand what the teacher said,my mark dropped from87.5 to less than 35.After the first test mark came out ,I realized the importance of English and I also felt oblige to learn English.

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