早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享



What made Joan Ryan decide to be a sports writer?“Ten years ago I was 36  news stories at the Orlando Sentinel in Florida—my first job 37  college. I didn't know any female sports writers. But I wanted to be 38 . 39  the best writing in the paper was sports.”

“Furthermore I had the  40 .I grew up in a(n)  41  family: Three boys and three girls and a coach for a dad.”

Soon after describing her ambition to a coworker the  42  of her paper reassigned Joan to the sports  43 .She started out by editing other people's stories  44  within a year she was writing her own sports column.

Today Joan is the sports  45  for the San Francisco Examiner in California. When she  46  her job eight years ago she was the  47  woman sports writer on any major American newspaper.

Was it tough to  48  as a female sports writer? 49 !Take for example the first time Joan tried to get an interview in the men's locker room. “It was the U.S. Football League. I wanted to interview one of the players—Joe Cribbs because he had just broken a finger. As soon as I  50  into the locker room  51  all sports writers interview athletes—the room went 52 .Guys started yelling at me—closing in on me. It was really frightening. One guy was sitting on a bench in front of me tapping up his ankle  53  a long-handled razor for cutting the tape. Suddenly I felt something move up my leg. It was the 54  of the razor. I yelled at him and walked out.”

Joan  55  interviewing Cribbs—outside the locker room.“In retrospect(回忆) I feel this was a defining moment for me as a journalist. I went back and wrote my story and made my deadline. Now I know that nothing can interfere with getting the story.”

36. A. writing B. finding       C. editing       D. sending

37. A. in B. out of C. into    D. before

38. A. one      B. the one       C. it D. that

39. A. However     B. Therefore   C. Above all   D. First of all

40. A. knowledge   B. experience  C. Background       D. interest

41. A. big       B. athletic       C. athrete       D. warm

42. A. editor   B. Manager     C. Director     D. workmate

43. A. column B. field   C. department D. paper

44. A. and      B. So      C. however     D. but

45. A. columnist    B. writer C. journalist    D. female

46. A. did       B. left     C. landed D. wanted

47. A. abed     B. only    C. brave  D. wisest

48. A. work    B. writer C. interview    D. pioneer

49. A. You bet       B. You believe       C. Unbelievable     D. You guess

50. A. stepped B. entered       C. rushed D. moved

51. A. that      B. which C. where D. when

52. A. warm   B. crazy  C. down  D. full

53. A. held     B. playing      C. used    D. using

54. A. cap      B. cover  C. handle D. movement

55. A. started  B. ended up C. Made     D. wrote


36-40 CBADC 41-45 BACDA 46-50 CBDAA 51-55 CBDCB


36.C 根据上下文可推断出:Joan开始是在报社编辑别人的故事。

37.B 根据常识,这应该是她走出大学后的第一份工作。

38.A 根据后文描述可知:当时还没有在报社当体育记者的女性,于是她想成为一位体育记者。one指代上文的writer。

39.D 根据下文的furthermore的提示可知。

40.C 根据下文的“家里有三男三女和教练父亲”可推测出此处应该是“背景”。

41.B 这里指“作者成长在一个体育世家”。

42.A 根据常识,在报社能够给人重新分配工作到某部门的人应该是主编editor。

43.C 一家报社里包含很多负责具体板块新闻的“部门”,此处考生容易误选column 但column是指“报纸上的栏目”而不指“工作的场所”。

44.D 根据后文的“她自己也写专栏作品”可推知与上文的“编辑别人的文章”相反,应为转折关系。

45.A 承接上文的“写她自己的专栏作品”而成为“专栏作家”。

46.C land在此处表示“获得(某物)”。

47.B 根据短文的第一段所述:我不知道当时有女性体育记者。可知“作者为唯一的一名女性体育记者”。

48.D 承接上文“作者是第一位女性体育记者”,本段是要说“当女性体育记者的先锋难吗?”

49.A 考查英语习惯用法。You bet!意为“当然!”。

50.A 根据语境和常识,作者作为记者要采访男衣物间的运动员应该是不慌不忙走进去的 。51.C 考查定语从句的引导词,先行词locker room在定语从句中充当状语。

52.B 根据下文的“又是向我叫喊又是向我靠近”说明整个房间变得“疯狂”起来。

53.D 此处应填一个与“tapping up”并列而意义又要表示“使用(长柄剃须刀)”的词。

54.C 根据前后文语境“那些调皮的运动员用剃须刀的柄在女记者的腿上移动”其目的是开玩笑吓唬这位女记者。handle意为“柄,把手”。

55.B 根据上文“女记者被吓得跑出了房间”,最后只能是在房外结束采访。