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Once I found myself in a group where a person was the central figure.He had a fantastic (36)___and was obviously loved by everybody.
Later when we were sitting apart from others,talking,I commented on his(37)___  spirit.
"I have a good time(38)___I go."he said.
"It is a gift(39)___which you ought to be very thankful."
His reply was,"Being happy isn't a gift.It(40)___hard work.Many years ago,I lost my tem-per (脾气)(41)___I always saw the dark side of everything until a friend gave me a scolding.After thinking it over and making a lot of efforts,I(42)___to cultivate (培养)the (43)___side of life,
I've always been thankful for that 44,because it taught me that to (45)___happiness we must cultivate the happy side of life.
I have known (46)___people who seemingly have had everything(47)___them happy,but they were unhappy.And I have known people who have had(48)___of this world's good and yet are happy.The(49)___is that the latter have a happy attitude(50)___the former,just the opposite.
It is how we(51)___to it,not what happens to us,that(52)___a difference.Life is not always good.After a few perfect days,perhaps some kind of trouble is waiting ahead.But(53)___you live a happy life or not(54)___your own mind and the power of your faith.What you think (55)___what you are.
Cultivate the happy side of life.When you really do it,you will find that the percentage of good days will greatly increase.
36.A.appearance B.personality C.expression D.impression
37.A.rare B.casual C.ordinary D.sensitive
38.A.whenever B.whatever C.wherever D.however
39.A.for B.to C.in D.about
40.A.applies B.devotes C.employs D.takes
41.A.absolutely B.easily C.hardly D.entirely
42.A.hesitated B.failed C.decided D.longed
43.A.happy B.dark C.right D.wrong
44.A.group B.scolding C.introduction D.conversation
45.A.live with B.do with C.compete with D.meet with
46.A.a great deal B.a good many C.a large number D.a large quantity
47.A.keeping B.kept C.keep D.to keep
48.A.much B.everything C.anything D.little
49.A.significance B.importance C.difference D.preference
50.A.when B.while C.as D.since
51.A.adapt B.appeal C.attach D.react
52.A.tells B.shows C.makes D.gives
53.A.if B.that C.whether D.how
54.A.carries on B.decides on C.takes on D.depends on
55.A.judges B.declares C.determines D.reminds
36---40 BACAD 41---45 BCABA 46---50BDDCB 51---55 DCCDC
36.答案B.考查名词.根据后文was obviously loved by everybody明显被所有人喜欢,可推测此处指性格好,个性好.故选B.personality.A.appearance外貌,C.expression表达,D.impression印象.
37.答案A.考查形容词.根据前文可知,他是人见人爱的类型,故此处表示他稀有的灵魂,珍稀的灵魂.故选A.rare.B.casual 随意的.C.ordinary 普通的.D.sensitive敏感的.
39.答案A.考查介词.be thankful for为固定搭配,意为"感激…,感谢…".故选A.for.
40.答案D.考查动词.It takes sth可视为固定搭配,需要花费….故选D.takes.
41.答案B.考查副词.句意:我生容易生气.故选B.easily.A.absolutely 绝对地,C.hardly 几乎不,D.entirely完全地.
44.答案B.考查名词.根据前文a friend gave me a scolding可知,朋友骂了我一顿.此处句意:我很感激他骂了我一顿.故选B.scolding.
45.答案A.考查动词词组.句意:想和幸福一起生活,就要培养生活中快乐的一面.故选A.live with和…一起生活.B.do with 处理.C.compete with 和…竞争.D.meet with遇到.
46.答案B.考查形容词词组.此处用a good many 修饰people,指许许多多的人.
47.答案D.考查动词.动词不定式表目的,为了让他们开心.故选D.to keep.
48.答案D.考查代词.根据后文yet are happy但还很开心,前后转折关系,可推测前文表达"几乎没有好的东西",little表示"几乎不,几乎没有".故选D.
51.答案D.考查动词.句意:有影响的是我们怎样作出反映,而不是我们做了什么.故选D.react.A.adapt 适应.B.appeal 号召,吸引.C.attach 附属于.
52.答案C.考查动词.固定搭配make a difference起作用,有影响.故选C.makes.
53.答案C.考查连词.根据后文的or not可知,此处考查whether…or nor结构.故选C.whether.
54.答案D.考查动词词组.句意:你是否过得快乐取决于你的想法和信念.故选D.depends on依赖于,取决于.A.carries on 继续.B.decides on 决定.C.takes on 呈现,具有.
55.答案C.考查动词.句意:你怎么看决定了你是什么.故选C.determines决定.A.judges 判断.B.declares宣布.D.reminds提醒.