早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


42) What do you think of the West Development in China?
59) What is your favorite pet? Why?
60) What's your best/worst quality.
74) Why did you live in Shanghai?
81) Who do you think is the best president of the US?
84) Do you think who is the greatest leader in the world? Why?
4) Are you going to study in USA?
7) How long will you study in USA?
19) Why do you want to study in USA?
27) Why do you want go to the United States for further study? (if the accent is on "United States")
30) Many universities in the China offer first--rate graduate programs in xxx. Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study? 1) What will you study in the United States?
9) What do you want to study in USA?
29) Why do you want to study xxx in the US?
31) What is your ultimate academic goal?
50) What will you study in this major? What courses?
52,88) What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?
58) Why do you change your major?
53) When are you going to enter US?
42) WD is very urgent and I am so glad that Chinese government has noticed the imbalance situation between the west and east regions and begin to make efforts to change it.
59) Dogs.They are close to people and one of the most loyal animal in the world.
60)Best:honesty.Worse:lack of patience.
74)Because I prefer to living in big cities and I like the culture here.I am enjoying witnessing the development in Shanghai these years -_-#...
81)基本老美都答:Abraham Lincoln
84)一般都答:Jesus of Nazareth.(这是真历史有的耶稣).Because his leadership has influenced populations in every part of the world since his death (and believed resurrection according to Christian history)--这句我可是抄来的.不是自己写的.
4)自己答 yes or no.

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