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The comparison between China's economic development and Japan's
  Japan is a natural resource-poor countries,this is Japan-based economy,the success of the important reasons.Because of this,the Japanese in order to achieve modernization and promoting economic development,and ultimately must be imported from abroad a variety of raw materials,processed exports,and to maximize the difference between them.Therefore,the need to actively produce and export high value added goods.
  Governance,employees,employers and three post-war consistently,is an important reason for steady economic development.
  ...Japanese capitalism is the source of economic thought by the Japanese history and culture influence the diligence of the Japanese trained under the domination of the spirit which developed.Hard-working spirit is what kind of religion,philosophy generated,it is not important,important is that this seems to support the capitalist economy,thrift,hard-working spirit,whether in Japan or in the West,have played a a huge role.Thrift,hard-working spirit to create a profit (savings),to use its re-investment has created even greater profits.This infinite loop continues,it has resulted in a capitalist economy under the conditions of the rapid development of productive forces.The dedication of which is to guarantee the existence of an important condition for its implementation.The post-war rapid economic growth in Japan,behind,and maintained as the world's first high savings rate,it is the result of the spirit of thrift.
  Observation of China's economic problems,it is noted that "total" and "per capita" two aspects.2000,China's GDP reached 8.9004 trillion yuan,according to the year exchange rates more than one trillion U.S.dollars,ranked sixth in the world's economic aggregate has been considerable.If the purchasing power parity,which is in accordance with international common prices,China's GDP ranking in the world even ahead of schedule.But now,less than 1000 U.S.dollars per capita,just entered the middle-income countries in the world,is still a relatively poor country."Three steps" to achieve the development strategy of modernization completed the first two steps,not finished the whole process of modernization of the 2 / 3.About to go through 50 years or so,to the middle of this century in order to basically achieve modernization.For achieving the modernization of the arduous and long-term should have a clear understanding.
  Starting the new century,China has entered a well-off society,and began to modernization program goal of a new stage of development.The next 10 years,China's economy is expected to average annual growth rate around 7% in 2010 GDP growth of 1-fold compared to 2000.This year's economic growth target of 7%,although the U.S.economy and global economic growth,the adverse effects of the second half of the economic growth rate will be slower than in the first half of the annual economic growth target can still be achieved next year,is still possible to maintain a 7% about economic growth.