早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


A:Hi,Madonna!You look so worried.66._________
B:Our teacher tells us to make a poster about "Big problem in the World".67.___________
A:Oh,don't worry.I'll help you.I have heard that population is a big problem in the world.68.___________
B:That's OK.Let's find some information on the Internet.
(They begin to search on the Internet.)
B:Yes,I have.Look at the news Standing Room Only.It's said that there won't be enough room for people.Because of the increasing population,there is only standing room left.
A:Oh,that's too bad.70._______________
B:But it will be the fact!We must pay attention to it and do something for it.
A:Oh,that's a good idea!You can write it in your poster.
B:Yes,thanks a lot.
A:That's all right.
What's wrrong with you?
But I don't know how to do.
May be we cab search the internet.
Have you find something?
It's unbelieveable.