早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享


11.Sir Denis,who is 78 ,has made it known that much of his collection ( )to the nation.
A.has left B.is to leave C.leaves D.is to be left
12.It has been about 7 years since they( ) .
A.got married B.got marry C.got marry D.have married
13.He will return the truck when he( ) the delivery.
A.finishes B.had finished C.will finish D.finished
14.Up to now the earthquake( ) no serious damage.
A.would do B.had done C.did D.has done
15.The reform was carried out sooner than( ) .
A.was expected B.would expect C.expected D.had expected
16.But for the reform,we( ) such great achievements.
A.shall not make B.could not have made
C.should not make D.can not have made
17.I need a helping hand,but I would sooner you( ) .
A.come B.coming C.will go with me D.didn't join me
18.If the government had built more homes for the poor several years ago,the housing problems now ( )so serious in many parts of the country.
A.wouldn't be B.won't be
C.will not have been D.would not have been
19.Tom might have come to school in time for the lecture( ) .
A.if he got up earlier B.unless he had got up earlier
C.but he got up rather late D.but he had gotten up late
20.The results of your examinations were quite satisfactory,but ( ) if you had spent less time watching that Korean serial TV program?
A.wouldn't they be better B.won't they be better
C.won't they have been better D.won't they have been better
21.There is no( ) in insisting on making the impossible possible.
A.mind B.meaning C.sense D.help
22.I walked too much yesterday and( ) are still aching.
A.my leg's muscles B.my muscles of leg
C.my leg muscles D.my muscles of the leg
23.We( ) to get what we want,anyway.
A.operated B.managed C.controlled D.handled
24.The environment of this city will be more seriously polluted ( ) some effective meas¬ures are taken to prevent factories from sending out poisonous gases and waste water.
A.if B.once C.however D.unless
25.The policeman( ) the thief down the road.
A.rushed B.ran C.chase D.raced
26.Don't waste time.Let's ( ) hands in the business.
A.join B.connect C.combine D.join in
27.Six o'clock is his( ) hour for getting up.
A.frequent B.regular C.uniform D.settled
28.She has two daughters,( ) of them likes traditional music.
A.nobody B.neither C.either D.none
29.I didn't mean( ) anyone,but I did annoy some of them.I was sorry for it.
A.having offended B.to be offending C.to offend D.offending
30.The idea is ___________to all of us and you do not need to tell us more about it.
A.apparent B.appearing C.approaching D.apart
11 C.leaves
12 A.got married
13 A.finishes
14 D.has done
15 C.expected
16 C.should not make
17 C.will go with me (不确定)
18 B.won't be
19 A.if he got up earlier
20A.wouldn't they be better
22C.my leg muscles
25 C.chase
26 D.join in
27 B.regular
28 B.neither
29 C.to offend
30 A.apparent