早教吧 育儿知识 作业答案 考试题库 百科 知识分享




     England in summer is like a large well-kept garden. According to a recent study about 80% of British
people dream of living in the countryside while only about 20% of them are living there.     
     English village communities (社区) are small. They are however warm and usually welcoming. The
post office is usually the center of every village. It offers a chance to newcomers (新来者) to get to know
the local culture.     
     Maggie moved from the city to the countryside of England three months ago. For her getting to know
the local people hasn't been a problem. The post office has been the main place for communicating and
neighbors often greet her in the street. She found herself quickly get used to the community and make new friends. People always invite her to children's parties.    
     Maggie's neighbors are all easy-going (随和的). Maggie says that even if the local people are interested in her background (背景) so far no one has said anything. "Unlike Chinese people English people go
around the sun to meet the moon "Maggie says.    
     She thinks that the village life is wonderful and she likes her present life very much.
1. According to the study how many English people dreaming of living in the countryside have realized their dream?
A. About 20%.
B. About 60%.
C. About 80%.
D. About 100%.
2. What does the writer think of English village communities?
A. Small and boring.
B. Small but noisy.
C. Small but comfortable.
D. Dirty and small.
3. How long has Maggie lived in the countryside?
A. For three years.
B. For three months.
C. For three weeks.
D. For three days.
4. What can we know from Maggie's words "Unlike Chinese people English people go around the sun to meet the moon"?
A. Chinese people are more kind-hearted than English people.
B. English people like Chinese people very much.
C. Chinese people travel to the sun through the moon.
D. English people don't show their opinions in direct (直接的) ways.
5. What's the passage mainly about?of England.
A. How to communicate with English people.
B. The comfortable life in an English village.
C. Maggie's new neighbors.
D. The culture

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