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关于管理的优缺点的作文 要英文版的 我同学叫我帮她找
First,the staff and more enterprises implement lifelong employment system,stable and very little staff mobility,thus the development of human resources small investment,staff training and low cost,but also ensure the overall quality of the staff high.
Second,trade unions and enterprises dependent enterprises with strong cohesion.Life-long employment and wage system so that the power to leave the corporate staff,once switched to the new enterprises,wages and benefits on the re-start from scratch.Therefore,will the interests of staff and the fate of the enterprises in together to increase their durability and ability to resist risks.
Third,internal interpersonal harmony.Management emphasizes the family situation moving to line moving,managers with less power posts,with more personal authority and therefore less labor conflicts,corporate personnel disputes less difficult to produce Western enterprises that Labor fierce confrontations,strikes,demonstrations,the bulk of laid-off workers and other vicious incident.
Fourth,the new technologies and new techniques have a stronger ability to absorb,enterprises can effectively prevent confidential and proprietary technology leak,its internal technical innovation have stronger targeted and practical.
Fifth,family-run enterprises in the managers and staff emotionally there is a "En map" thinking.Staff managers as owing a debt of gratitude for the psychological,non-relatives staff will have feelings,thought highly of the pro - and reuse of TU,they will redouble their efforts to repay,if a person of such neglect or violation of ethical values and the Code of Conduct,will arouse public accusations,sometimes difficult to establish themselves in society.

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