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The Pursuit of Happyness" is a simple inspirational movie.It is not pretty actors,no fancy pictures,no touching music,but can also attract you read on law-abiding,because it has good enough story,plain but not mediocre!
Two of the film places the novel,though intentionally set,but that is not offensive,not far-fetched,pregnant with meaning.
First:When Chris (Will Smith plays) to see graffiti in the "happyness" spelling error,he said these words:There is no y in happiness,There is i.(y or Why).This line is extremely clever setting,it also aims to express through the entire film.Yes,there is no happiness in the why,the only others only their own happiness.Why blame others than their own happiness is meaningless,only rely on their own can be happy.
Second:when the movie started,Chris was in the crowd jammed the streets to push forward,in the smiling faces in only his bewildered,stood helpless with.And towards the end of the film,Chris was in the same place,look left to meet the emotional tears and applause for his rallying.In the calendar through suffering,sorrow,abandonment,abjection,helplessness,despair,after Chris with patience,hard work and attitude of never giving up in exchange for part of his life,the good old days.So in the moment through the probationary period,Chris is happy.
其一:当克里斯(威尔史密斯扮演)看到墙上涂鸦中的“happyness”拼写错误时,他说了这句话:There is no y in happiness,There is i.(y即Why).这句台词的设置是极其巧妙的,它要表达的宗旨也贯穿了全片.是的,幸福中本就没有为什么,幸福中唯一有的只有自己.埋怨别人为什么比自己幸福是没有意义的,唯有依靠自己才能够得到幸福.

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