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The Communist Party of China was founded 90 years,has led Chinese people to which specific huge success?Draw any conclusion?Country:the establishment of new China,the socialist system; the success of the Beijing Olympic Games,the Shanghai World Expo; the "Shenzhou five,No.six,No.seven" satellite successfully launched;" Chang'e 1,No.two" successful lunar etc..People's life:the richer,from cottages to large buildings; from season to season much more clothes clothing; from the pursuit of eat to pursue eat well,eat nutrition health.Our party has made big achievements:In 1 the establishment of a comprehensive material production systemChina's reform and opening up 30 years,ensuring peace and stability,build comprehensive material to produce a system,economic construction gains remarkable success.China has been by the primary industrial economy into senior industrial economy,including steel,household appliances,industrial products production ranks first in the world.Meanwhile,Chinese economy dimensions and economic gross also expands ceaselessly.The 2 international status of continuous improvementChina 30 years of reform and opening up,China 's rising international status.Rapid economic growth of China in the world economy rises ceaselessly in the position.3 full integration into the world economy systemTo join the WTO as sign,Chinese economy has been done commercialize and internationalization process,blend in world economic system and economic globalization tide.4 economic growth becomes more robustChina 's reform and opening up release tremendous productivity,government dominant,vigorously investment and strengthen the industrial economy to China's economic growth has been higher than the growth of the world economy level.Social economy made comprehensive progress5 the rising level of economic developmentDeepening of China's reform and opening-up at the same time,the level of economic development greatly.In 1978 China's per capita GDP is 381 yuan,according to the 1980,1 U.S.dollar to 1.53 yuan RMB exchange rate calculation,$149.In 2007 China's per capita GDP rose to $2640,compared with growth of 17 times before the reform and opening up.6 education development progressEducation development is a measure of a country's development level and the development potential of the important index.30 years of reform and opening up,China Education Development progress.1978 Chinese college graduates accounted for only 165000 of China at that time,total population 962590000 0.0171%.2006 Chinese college graduates reached 3775000,accounting for 1314480000 of the total population in China 0.2871%,30 years grew 16.7 times.7 national life expectancy significantly improveLife expectancy is a measure of a country's economic and social development of the integrated index,life expectancy increased not only means to raise the level of economic development,but also means that the social security capability.According to the China 1982 census data,the population of China is average life expectancy is 67.77 years 2000,the life expectancy of the Chinese rose to 71.40 years old,has increased to 3.63 years of age.8 people life is more rich and colorful,people living standard is improved significantlyChinese people's material life and cultural life has entered an era of sync with the world.

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